Saturday, March 7, 2009

So much to blog about so little time

I finally have a ton of stuff to share with all of you however I have no time to post anything, arggggh. So I have broken it out into a couple of posts. Ok let’s get started – go. The PA Interview:
It’s really hard interviewing in NYC in the middle of the winter while you are temping. My temp job is very tee shirts and jeans but my PA interview was gonna be very buttoned up so on Friday morning I pressed all my interview clothes, packed a bag with stockings, heals, foundation garments, makeup, hair products, etc… and set off to work. Oh and I knew I had to pack all my gear it in a way that would not look as if I was entering my posh PA interview with a duffel bag full of casual work clothes. So I got that all together and at exactly 5 pm I raced into the bathroom to change from downtown funky temp girl to Upper East Side preppy business lady. I knew I would have plenty of time for hair and makeup once uptown (I gave myself 1.5 hours) so I only changed my clothes and thought I would complete the transformation along my long subway ride. Well it turns out that it is very hard to do your hair and makeup on a speeding train when you have forgotten your mirror on your DESK! Yep there I was on the subway trying to apply eyeliner while pressed up against the window of the train door squinting to find my reflection. It was like trying to find the 3D dolphins in those wacky mall posters from the mid 90’s. So OK.. Exhale, relax. I’ll just get off the train 2 stops earlier and visit my old alma matter’s 2nd floor bathroom and all will be fine. RIGHT, not so much. PING! Ladies and Gentleman this train is being held because of a police investigation at 86th Street – WTF!!?? Well there went that idea. Now I’m stuck on a train with the clock running out, tick…tick…tick. We resumed forward motion in about 12 minutes but now it was way too late to make a pit stop at CUNY so I decided to just go up to the interview location, sit in a very shinny Starbucks, and hopefully catch my reflection in something.
Got out of the subway at 79th street and walked directly into a freezing monsoon…great. My hair was flying around, my feet were soaked and guess what, there are NO Starbucks on Madison Ave. from 76th Street to 81st Street. So with 20 minutes to kill I found a sidewalk bench situated under a dripping awning and in the darkness of the street I could just make out the reflected outline of my face in the plastic cover of my Blackberry. So there I sat in the freezing rain TRYING to pull it together and de-stress.
The interview went very well and I even returned this week for a second round. Unfortunately I do not have high hopes for the position for as much as the lady really likes me she feels that the job would be WAY too lame for my effervescent persona. Damn me and my charm. I should really try to practice shy and boring if I wanna land a job anytime soon.

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