Saturday, March 7, 2009

No please toss me one more chainsaw

Last weekend I was ensconced in heavy email exchanges with my Full Time recruiter who was trying to schedule my second interview with Fancy Lady, my Part Time recruiter who was not down with my need to take a half day so I could interview, and Office Manager dude requesting a phone interview on Monday at 12:30.
The phone interview was held on the corner of King St. and Hudson St during my 30 min lunch break in the middle of the worst NYC snow storm this season. I stood there on the corner with my back to river bundled up in my full length down coat trying not to sound frozen and wet. Oh and to add more stress to the situation I received an email at 12:15 informing me that I needed to be on a conference call at 1pm. Good LORD! The interview call sucked but long story short – he called just a few hours later to schedule a face to face.
The next day I scheduled the 2 – second interviews back to back. I thought why not, I already had requested a half day at my temp job. It again was FREEZING so my fashion was a bit under par but I did my best with Fancy Lady, grabbed a snack then proceeded to Office Manager. By the end of the day I had ridden 8 trains changed my shoes to boots 6 times, and retouched my makeup and hair 3 times.
I guess stuff went well enough because Office Manager is calling me back for interview three this Monday. However after talking about me for the past 2weeks I have become so boarded of my own voice and terribly charming stories that I am seriously considering just making stuff up.

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