Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Bog from the Fancy

Into day 4 of the new job and it is rather sweet. How can it NOT be sweet considering day one began with Mr. Fancy Lady hand delivering flowers to my co workers and me followed by my discovery of free cookies in the kitchen? Still trying to get a good grasp on all my responsibilities which can be rather difficult since the old assistant left NOTHING behind to help me navigate my daily tasks. She was here for nine years and the only thing she left behind was an Outlook account with 1000+ contacts filed in totally random order. I was at my temp job for less than 3 weeks and I created a fully operational 6 page manual to hand off to my temp replacement.

My 2 co-workers are fantastic and they share my disgust for sweat pants in public and girls who think it’s cute to strut around town sans pants. They are very helpful and have been a god send with filling in the blanks. They too never quite understood what the old assistant did and were constantly frustrated by her lack of transparency. I am lacking a list of all my Lady’s preferred vendors, her travel preferences (not to mention the contact info for her travel agent), oh and a listing of her memberships/ patronships/ subscriptions etc… I know she sits on the boards of many organizations but I have no clue where or the level of privilege that is extended because of her status. However I was able to find a document that was saved in 4 locations with the dimensions of the office mini- fridge…obviously that must be a hot button topic. Of course my Lady loved her old assistant and thought she was a genius… just hope I can figure all this out and get to occupy that level of status sooner rather than later.

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